Man On The Moon

The Project Gallery presents the group exhibition “Man on the moon – 50 years after”­

Curated by: Alexandros Maganiotis, in collaboration with Yannis Bolis.

Duration: 22-6-2019 until 21-9-2019

More than an anniversary exhibition, “Man on the moon” attempts, through the works of 52 Greek and international visual artists and architects, to focus on and highlight, in an original, inventive and imaginative way, the relationship between humanity and the moon, the latter featuring prominently in the mythologies and religions, traditions and doctrines, in the arts, literature and imagination of every civilization in history: from the imaginary voyages of Lucian, Jules Vernes and Georges Méliès, to its ultimate conquest in 1969, and from the pagan, magical rituals to the concepts of melancholy and mysticism, romanticism and sensitivity, directly connected to it, the moon – with its phases, eclipses and different sides – is always there, a luminous reminder and imaginary border in the endless, uncharted Universe, a powerful symbol and source of inspiration, a captivating reflection of our emotional and psychological states of being.

The works presented in the exhibition offer their own version of the moon, presenting a multitude of references, approaches and depictions, comprising a coherent and appealing visual environment.